Saturday, January 29, 2011

29JAN2011 Accumulation 0 Days Since Last Snow 2

The Elusive Urban Sawhorse

Even more rare is the above cone:  the Suburban Sprawl Space Saver.  This home is in  suburban Wilmington.  This is a private residence, not a business.  A private drive, not on-street parking.  Quite the impressive find.

Friday, January 28, 2011

28JAN2011 Accumulation 0 Days Since Last Real Snow 1

Extremely short and uncomfortable looking blue chair with ugly flat cushion.
An observer might think it's one of a kind.

An observer would be wrong. 
 A lovely pair of uncomfortable looking blue chairs with ugly flat cushions!

Very blue trash can. May have wheels.

Haphazardly placed and distressed chairs.
Patient Chair-in-Waiting on porch.

Soggy Cushy Patterned Formerly Fluffy Chair!
My car was pelted with snowballs during the taking of this shot.

Previously nice wooden kitchen chairs.  Now, water damaged wooden kitchen chairs.

Close up of previously nice wooden kitchen chair.

Lovely matching green iron chairs placed symmetrically around corner.  
Truly breath-taking.

chairs chairs chairs chairs chairs chairs chairs car

Red college furniture.

Teeny Tiny Trashcan.  With lid.

Dirty tray table with precariously balanced wood two by four.
Close up and from a different angle, it remains:  crap.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

27JAN2011 Accumulation 10+ In

Apparently the owner of this vehicle was absent the day they covered 
"Timing and Placement of the Crap"

Mint condition woven fabric n metal folding chair.
Feels like summer.

Brutalized three-legged smashed-seated white plastic "chair".
On the cusp of Trash Classification.

Milk crates, aka the bulk of my college furniture.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

18JAN2011 Total Accumulation 0.5 inch

Orange Cones.  Very official.  And very lonely.

Chair rage.  Nuff said.

Carnage close up.  

Sunday, January 16, 2011

16JAN2011 Accumulation: 0. Days since last snow: 4.

These cones confuse me, as they are IN the few remaining snow piles.  
Perhaps the owner is new to the city and doesn't quite understand.

Hey -- nice wooden Adirondack chair from the 11th:
I believe you are now mine for the taking.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

15JAN2011 Accumulation: 0. Days since last snow: 3. Documented Abuse of the Spot Crap Code

Tenacious White Plastic Chairs, slightly worse for wear.

It would be very sad if they were to mysteriously disappear.

Close up of amputee chair.
Could this be a warning?  If so, thank you mystery mangler!

14JAN2011 Accumulation: 0 Days since last snow: 2

That would be my house on the left.  These would not be my chairs.

Practically new red canvas n metal folding chair, upended.
Trainee chair on sidewalk.

The power of spot saving with crap can bring out undesirable traits.

Spot saver?  Trash?  Difficult to tell.

Two toned dirty metal chair with handy grip.

Honey Mustard colored vinyl with creme colored metal.
They don't make 'em like this any more.  I hope.

A fine wicker chair.  Since there's no snow or rain, weather damage is unlikely.

This is not the first winter for this slightly rusted metal framed grey vinyl model.

Terribly broken wooden chair. 

Odd flimsy metal crap of some sort.

Double stacked pair of green plastic chairs.
Extra durable!

Double stacked cones.
Must have seen the green chairs.

Very odd little end table with lock

I'm wanted to park?  Really, there's just ... just so much snow, you see...
And that?  Yes, that would still be my house.
And those are still not. my. chairs.

Friday, January 14, 2011

13JAN2011 Accumulation 0: Recovery from 4" Snowpocalypse

Basic Blue Trashcan with No Lid
Dangerous cone restrained behind fence


Tall wooden counter stool in a sea of plastic cans and cones.

Close up of the Counter Stool.
I wonder if it swivels.

Unassuming Plastic Folding Chair with Nifty Handle
Back shot.  Excuse me, your tag is showing.

Pensive Chair.  This shot feels artsy.
 In a chair-sitting-in-the-street-on-dirty-snow kind of way.

The following time lapse photography displays the care that sometimes goes into presentation of street crap:

8:15 AM:  symmetrical barstools aside orange cone

1:30PM:  a vastly improved and wholly symmetrical presentation of aforementioned items
Disrespecting the Street Crap.

Pushin' it.
No. Respect. At. All.